MTC NCAA throwers start strong

Corinne Franz, Angela Boushea, Coach Frontier, Mary Theisen

University of Wisconsin hosted an indoor meet Saturday, Jan 25, 2014.  Angela Boushea, a junior at UW, won the Weight Throw competition with a throw of 62'11.5" a throw that ranks her 2nd in the Big Ten Conference.  Mary Theisen, a senior at Indiana State, won the Shot Put with a new P.R. 56'00".  Theisen's throw ranks her 3rd in the women's shot put in the nation.  Corinne Franz, a freshman at Depaul, P.R.d in the weight throw.  It was so fun to watch these women compete!

Angela Boushea, University of Wisconsin
photo by Dave Figi

Mary Theisen, Indiana State University
photo by Dave Figi

Corinne Franz, Depaul University
photo by Dave Figi

University of Minnesota hosted a meet Saturday, Jan 18, 2014 that saw several MTC alumni compete against one another.  The Shot Put saw 3 MTC athletes finish in the top 7.  
      1 Becci Osterdyk     SO Minnesota     14.36m       47-01.50
      2 Lyndsey Thorpe  SO Minnesota     13.85m       45-05.25
      3 Molly Griep       SO North Dakota  13.66m     44-09.75
      4 Kailee Kamps     FR Minnesota       13.47m     44-02.50
      5 Chantel Urban    JR North Dakota    13.09m       42-11.50
      6 Allie Heifort        Unat-Minneso       12.87m       42-02.75
      7 Jessica Putland  JR Hamline          12.79m     41-11.50
 KeKe Burks broke her own North Dakota Record in the weight throw again, great way to start the season.
  1 Devin Stanford JR Minnesota       17.21m   56-05.75 
  2 Keke Burks  SO North Dakota       16.45m   53-11.75
  3 Lyndsey Thorpe  SO Minnesota      16.42m   53-10.50 
  4 Jennifer Hitchcock JR Minn-Duluth 15.89m   52-01.75 
  5 Morgan Stampley JR Minn State     15.72m   51-07.00 
  6 Molly Griep  SO North Dakota      15.52m   50-11.00

 The UW Badgers hosted a duel meet vs Missouri that had 3 more MTC alumni compete.
Andrew Brekke took 3rd in the men's Weight Throw won the shot put, while Angela Boushea took 2nd on in the weight throw and 4th in the shot put on women's side.
3 Andrew Brekke SO Wisconsin 16.96m    55-07.75 Weight
2 Angela Boushea JR Wisconsin  18.58m    60-11.50 Weight
1 Andrew Brekke SO Wisconsin  15.54m   51-00.00 Shot Put
4 Angela Boushea JR Wisconsin  14.11m    46-03.50 Shot Put
In the Friday night open meet Riley Budde won both the weight throw and shot put with great throws for his first collegiate meet.
1 Riley Budde FR Unat-Wisconsin 15.88m   52-01.25 Weight
1 Riley Budde FR Unat-Wisconsin 15.45m   50-08.25 Shot Put

Molly Griep's throw was a new P.R. in the shot put...

Congrats to the many MTC throwers competing in college who had great performances in their first meet of the indoor season. Lots of great throws.  Can't wait to see how far you'll go in February and March.
Good Luck on finals and enjoy your break.

KeKe Burks - University of North Dakota - breaks the school record in the WEIGHT THROW.

Also Jason Zahn - Ashland University - goes 55'+ in the shot - not bad for a discus thrower;)
Corinne Franz - DePaul University - breaks 40' in the shot for the first time - not bad for a discus thrower;)

Keep working hard!

GOODLUCK College MTC Throwers

As the NCAA indoor season begins for many schools this weekend, I wanted to wish all the best to the Madison Throws Club throwers competing in college.  Months and years of preparation have gotten you to this point.  The waiting is nearly over, when that first meet begins, do your thing, you are ready!  This season make sure you learn from your successes as well as your disappointments, both offer valuable lessons that can make you better.  Its a long season, build on each meet so that you can throw your best when it means the most to you and your team.
Throw Far,
Coach Frontier

GOOD LUCK! To all of MTC's college throwers.
Justin Barber - Minnesota
Angela Boushea - Wisconsin
Andrew Brekke - Wisconsin
Riley Budde - Wisconsin
KeKe Burks - North Dakota
Heather Clankie - St. Cloud State
Corinne Franz - DePaul
Molly Griep - North Dakota
Haley Houser - UW Whitewater
Kailee Kamps - Minnesota
Kassie Kamps - Winona State
Donald Lehr - UW Platteville
April McCarthy - Central College
Jessica Putland - Hamline
Rafi Saez - St. Cloud State
Albert Unruh - UW Stevens Point
Jason Zahn - Ashland


Contact Madison Throws Club

Coach Joe Frontier

Madison Throws Club
C/O Coach Frontier
2581 Placid St.
Fitchburg, WI 53711

Madison Throws Club on Facebook

Follow Madison Throws Club on Twitter @MTCthrowers

Where does Madison Throws Club meet?

Madison Memorial High School
201 S. Gammon Rd.
Madison, WI 53717

The outdoor throwing area is at the south end of the stadium along Mineral Point Rd.

Indoor sessions are held in the fieldhouse.  Park on the north side of the school in between Memorial High School and Jefferson Middle School.  Enter the doors marked Fieldhouse Entrance.

About Madison Throws Club

Madison Throws Club had a simple beginning, we started in 2002 when a few Madison Memorial throwers asked Coach Frontier if they could throw more in the summer.  Since then MTC has grown to help hundreds of track and field throwers from Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota and Michigan each year.  With the help of many of the best coaches in the Midwest MTC athletes have gone on to win Conference and State Championships, set school and state records, compete at the national level, and continue on to have great success at the college level.

Our simple mission:
Improve athletes in the throwing events in the state of Wisconsin and beyond by offering high quality coaching and instruction.

What we offer:
  • Madison Throws Club Summer - sessions June-July August
  • Madison Throws Club Fall        - sessions Sept-Oct
  • Madison Throws Club Winter   - sessions Nov-Feb
  • One-on-one or small group sessions by appointment - Contact Coach Frontier
  • Shot put
  • Discus
  • Hammer
  • Javelin
  • Strength and Speed Training
  • Clinics at your school or site


Many high school athletes wonder what will it take to throw in college?  That is a harder question to answer than it should be.  Let me try to break this down into smaller pieces:
  • College Coaches interested in recruiting our MTC athletes can contact me for more information.
  • Parents with questions about throwing in college can contact me about more information.
  • Throwers interested in throwing college at any level NCAA DI, DII, DIII, or NAIA need to consider the following factors...

UW BADGERS announce Winter Clinics

UW Badgers announce Winter opportunities for high school throwers and other Track and Field athletes.  If you can, take advantage of working with Coach Dave Astrauskas and his talented group of throwers.  UW currently is the #5 Throws program in the country.  UW is the home to former MTC throwers: Angela Boushea, Andrew Brekke, and Riley Budde.

Sunday, December 1, 2013 10am-3pm 
Sunday, January 5, 2014 10am-3pm  

UW Track and Field Clinic

Angela Boushea  photo by Dave Figi

Final MTC Fall throwing session

It's getting cold out there...
Our final FALL SESSION is this Sunday, October 27,  from 10am-12.

For any athletes who are interested in an opportunity to throw Javelin or Hammer
There will be an opportunity after our session Sunday from 12-1pm.

Coach Megan Rennhack, former UW Badger great and school record holder in the women's Javelin, will be instructing the Javelin Session.  Hammer throwers will be with me.

Please contact me ASAP to reserve a spot for either of these extra sessions. Space is limited.
email me at

Dress Warm.

WINTER THROWING SESSIONS dates will be announced shortly.  There will be 4-6 MTC winter sessions held indoors at Madison Memorial High School.  sessions will be Saturday afternoons 2-4pm.
Stay tuned for dates and registration information.


Most everyone who know me has told me I think about Throwing a little too much.  I often thank my wife for putting up with my obsession.  Its good to know that I'm not the only one out there with the same problem.  The people at run a great blog that covers the throws from a World throwing perspective that is pretty unmatched.  Check out their website here...

Throwholics is posting their top 10 innovations in the throwing world.  And I thought you might like to read/watch them too.  I have added a few more videos and photos to their text for your enjoyment.  Thanks for reading and thanks THROWholics!  Find and follow Throwholics on facebook and twitter.
Coach Frontier

Throws Innovation No 10: 
The Modern Discus Technique
By Timothy Worden on September 1st, 2013

Over the next ten days I will countdown what I believe to be the Top 10 innovations to the track and field throws events. More than anything I hope to spark a load of discussion and discourse so feel free to share your comments, thoughts and concerns as the series plays out. Thankfully I can edit all the articles as needed.

Innovation № 10 began in the early twentieth century with the emergence of the modern discus technique; deviating from the old Nordic swinging technique to skipping and turning before the release. Examples of the emergence of the technique can be seen at the 1912 Stockholm Olympic Games (see link below). Although the exact timing of the current technique (beginning facing the back of the circle, and releasing the discus facing the front of the circle) being acquired has been difficult to ascertain, the technique was adopted by the late 1920s by most top throwers.

One of the first Olympic sports, the discus has a strong place in Greek history. Numerous ancient drawings and stories depicting the discus throw can be found. This is what makes the modern-day technique so impressive; that after thousands of years of experimenting with different concepts, we seem to have found a relatively stable technique for throwing. Furthermore, although there are similarities between the discus and rotational shot put footwork, the discus technique preceded that of the shot put footwork by over twenty years.

Of course as I say this, there will always be experimentation with techniques to push the limits of the human body even further when throwing. In 2013 world class throwers Eric Caddee and Julian Wruck are challenging the limits of the modern discus technique by adding an extra 90° in the rotation on the start of the throw (see example below).

Erik Cadee (Ned)

For creating a throwing technique that has withstood the test of time, the modern-day discus technique is the № 10 throwing innovation.

* A special thank you to Norm Zÿlstra for his contributions to this article.

Throws Innovation No 9: 
The Inclusion of Women in Throws Events
By Timothy Worden on September 6th, 2013

Dani Samuels (Aus)

Throwing innovation № 9 was the inclusion of women in throwing events. It is interesting to reflect back and remember that until the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, women did not participate in hammer throw at the highest profile competition of Athletics. Furthermore, women were included in the other three throwing events at the Olympics after men, as follows: Discus 1928, Javelin 1932 and Shot Put 1948.

Betty Heidler (Ger)

The inclusion of women into the throwing events has definitely improved the profile of throwing sports. The women are top-level athletes, and exhibit highly proficient technique in their events. Even more exciting, due to the recent inclusion of women in hammer throwing, we are seeing world records matched or pressured consistently at the big events. Anytime world records are being set, it spikes the interest of the general public and makes for great storylines leading up to major competitions.

Valerie Adams (NZE)

For these reasons, the inclusion of female throwers is my № 9 throws innovation.

Throws Innovation № 8: Athlete Funding
By Tim Worden on September 10th, 2013
Reese Hoffa

It is quite difficult to follow the progression of the number 8 innovation. Although the exact timing of when throwers first began to be paid (either openly or ‘under the table’) is not easily determined, the inclusion of pay for performance has had a massive impact on the lives of track and field throwers.

Throwers typically do not receive the massive endorsements, which Usain Bolt or Sanya Richards-Ross may obtain, but most top throwers receive enough money in government funding and modest sponsorships to cover at least basic living expenses. The hope is that this financial aid allows the top athletes to focus almost entirely on training, allowing for maximum achievement of sports form while using clean training practices. Furthermore, up and coming athletes in most countries do receive some financial aid, meant to facilitate the growth of these young athletes and hopefully allow them to progress to a world class level.

I would argue that although the current level of funding is helpful, it could certainly be greater. A high percentage of top athletes still live under the poverty line, and many times must work part-time jobs on the side to cover expenses. This greatly handicaps their training and performance progression. Furthermore, the therapies needed to train at a high level (massage, physiotherapy and so on) are expensive, and are therefore often neglected by athletes. This neglect can lead to reduced throw distances, or even worse, injury. The payment of track and field throwers produced large changes in how athletes are able to train, but because payment is common to all sport today, this innovation only makes it to number 8 on this list.

Throws Innovation № 7: The War on Drugs
By Tim Worden on September 23rd, 2013

My № 7 innovation demonstrates that not all change is for the better. Perhaps no innovation would have such far-reaching ramifications to elite throwers of all disciplines, as the beginning of the use of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs). It is not a new concept for people in competition (not just athletics, any business or entertainment industry also looks for a competitive edge) to strive for an advantage over peers. Within throws events, athletes have experimented within the rules by developing new equipment, new techniques and so on. Outside of the rules (cheating), athletes may try to get away with throwing lighter than regulation implements at local meets, using aiding substances (for example, using a sticky substance on the discus throwing hand, sneaking sand into a circle and so on). However, these methods of cheating are relatively simple to identify, and can be easily controlled in major competition.

The use of performance enhancing drugs is an entirely different problem, and this epidemic is by no means an easy fix. Although these substances have undoubtedly contributed to some of the top performances in track and field history, they are ultimately outside of the rules put forward by the IAAF, IOC and WADA. For those who choose to ignore these rules, it has become a billion dollar industry of cat and mouse (of athletes evading testing methods, and testing agencies developing more sophisticated tests to catch the cheaters). Due to the fact it is very difficult to catch PED users, many constraining rules have been placed on current elite throwers (submission to random drug tests, a large portion of athletic funding provided by countries has to go to anti-doping agencies and so on). Ultimately, this has had a devastating impact on the quality of life of elite athletes across all disciplines, and has hurt the sport image.

In the throws events, the athletes do rely on an impressive combination of speed and strength, which can be greatly aided with using PEDs. This has led to a number of high profile athletes using these drugs…and consequently testing positive. Now, there is a public stigma associated with the throws events that most top-level athletes must be taking some substance (which is of course untrue). I ultimately believe this has had a very detrimental impact on our sport…as sponsors will want to distance themselves from supporting ‘cheaters’. Furthermore, young children may be discouraged from taking up the throws events, as it may be believed that it will lead to a life of PED use, or that without PEDs they have no chance of being successful. Ultimately, PEDs have had a massive impact on the Track and Field throws events, but because I do not like to focus on this aspect of the sport, I will only rank it as the number 7 innovation.

Throws Innovation № 6: Social Media
By Tim Worden on September 25th, 2013

At first glance, this innovation may seem like I have run out of ideas. Is social media really one of the top innovations to Track and Field Throws Events?! I will argue yes, as social media has allowed for vast information sharing between athletes and coaches. As throwers, we participate in some of the less popular track and field events (compared to distance running or sprints). Due to this fact, it is that much harder to find coaching, resources and places to train. This puts us at a significant disadvantage when it comes to training for our sport.

Social media has allowed throwers around the world to connect and share ideas. Many of the top throwers can now be found on twitter, or have blogs that we can follow. Furthermore, Youtube allows us to watch thousands of throwers (from beginners to perennial champions) training. Without social media, a thrower in a community with no throws coach would be stuck; there would be no affordable way to discover the information needed for proper training. Conversely, with the vast amount of information now available through social media, the geographically isolated throwers can sift through thousands of articles and obtain as much information as they would like.

Of course, there are downsides to this method of information sharing. Young throwers may look at the training of top throwers, and attempt to copy their training exactly. This is a bad idea, which will most certainly lead to overtraining and discouragement for the young athlete. Furthermore, some posted information may be unreliable in terms of improving performance for most throwers. Again, trying to emulate these points may cause issues in the young thrower’s progression. Despite these facts, it is better to have access to information, than to be stuck in isolation and not exposed to the vast amount of help available from the great community of throwers. For this reason, social media is the number 6 innovation in track and field throws.

Throws Innovation № 5: The Discus/Hammer Cage
By Tim Worden on October 1st, 2013

My number 5 throws innovation has become a fixture in every major track and field stadium. The throws cage has been vital to the health of the discus and hammer; allowing these events to be included in large stadiums and improving safety for athletes and officials alike. Typically made of large aluminum posts, which support the nylon netting around the throws circle, the throwing cage has become mandatory for all sanctioned track and field competitions.

The design of the cage ensures that the implement can only be launched onto the field of the stadium, in a predictable direction. Without the cage, the implement would be free to travel anywhere in the stadium, which could potentially injure spectators, athletes or officials. It is the nature of the sport that accidents happen (for example a thrower may slip in the circle and release the hammer prematurely), so the cage has been very effective in minimizing hazardous events.

Furthermore, without the cage, I can be sure that the hammer and discus throw  would be excluded from the main track and field stadium, and instead would be performed in a ‘safer’ secluded area where the risk of injuring others would be decreased. In this scenario, the popularity of the discus and hammer events would be greatly diminished, as it would no longer be viewable by the large crowds within the stadium.

The throws cage does not rank higher on the innovations list, because although it does allow fans to watch discus and hammer in the main stadium, the cage does not offer an ideal viewing situation. Fans will often complain that the netting distorts the athlete and makes the event viewing difficult. Furthermore, many lower level track and field meets must exclude the discus and hammer events because many small facilities do not have the monetary resources to build a regulation throws cage.

Throws Innovation № 4: The Concept of Pushing the Hammer
By Tim Worden on October 6th, 2013

The number 4 throwing innovation is the placement of the hammer head in relation to the athlete’s body. In terms of breaking the 80 m barrier in the hammer throw (which Boris Zaitchouk achieved in 1978), this was most likely the technical change which contributed to these farther distances. The idea that the hammer needs to be ‘pushed’ by the athlete was once a foreign concept, however, it is now adopted as a definite rule of technique.

Top researchers such as Bondarchuk and Bartonietz have commented on this concept. The correct positioning of the hammer head relative to the body is vital for maximal acceleration of the hammer (leading to a further throw). When Zaitchouk threw over 80 m for the first time, we could see that he was able to keep his arms long and relaxed, with the hammer wire perpendicular to his shoulders. Many top throwers who have continued to employ this technique, with superior results to those athletes who drag the hammer behind them. Although the concept is relatively easy to understand, for novice throwers it can be extremely difficult to master (dragging the hammer can manifest itself as bent arms, or turning the body ahead of the hammer). It is one of the major technical points, which separates the low-level athletes from the top hammer throwers. Since this point is so important to the proper performance of the hammer throw, and produces a dichotomy between levels of throwing quality, it is the number 4 throws innovation.

Throws Innovation № 3: The New Men’s Javelin
By Tim Worden on October 7th, 2013

My number 3 innovation is the new style javelin. In 1986 the sport of javelin was changed forever. Before this time, a javelin was used which flew tremendously far (World Record of 104.80 m (343’10’’) held by Uwe Hohn), but was associated with numerous negative incidents. Issues were arising due to the distance the javelin traveled and the way it was landing. The javelin was getting perilously close to reaching the track on the other end of the stadium, making it dangerous to throw at the same time as track events occurred. Furthermore, due to the center of gravity location of the old javelin, it was typical for the javelin to land flat, and not stick into the ground. This made obtaining accurate distance marks nearly impossible for the judges.

The solution? The IAAF would keep the weight the same but tweak the location of the centre of gravity of the javelin (the centre of gravity was moved forward 4 cm), such that the flight path of the javelin would be changed forever. The new javelin does travel a shorter distance than the old javelin (World record of 98.48 m (323’1’’) held by Jen Zelezny), however, the tip now sticks into the ground instead of landing and skipping along the grass. This has allowed for the javelin to maintain its location in the stadium, where it can be safely performed during other events. Furthermore, with the tip of the javelin now consistently sticking into the ground, judges can record accurate distances. Due to the drastic change to the throwing implement enacted by the IAAF, the new men’s javelin is the number 3 throwing innovation.

Throws Innovation № 2: The Glide and Rotational Shot Put Techniques
By Tim Worden on October 8th, 2013

This number 2 innovation may be viewed as a cheat by me, since really it encompasses two major technical advances to the sport of shot put. The first technical enhancement to shot put was the inclusion of a glide before the release of the shot put. Introduced by Parry O’Brien in the 1950s, he was the first the first person to begin the throw facing the back of the circle. Using this technique, Parry broke the world record numerous times, and was the first person to throw the shot over 60 feet (18.29 m). The glide technique has maintained its popularity, with many of the world’s top marks in the last decade coming from this technique.

In the 50s and 60s we saw the development of the rotational throw as well. Again, earlier throwers with this technique (Chandler, Ward, Malek, Oldfield and so on) achieved outstanding results with this technique (Bartonietz). The biomechanics behind this technique are generally accepted to be more complex than that of the glide, and so learning this technique requires a more complex set of instructions to athletes (Bartonietz).

Also, the introduction of two unique techniques has created a sub-plot to world-class competitions. Undoubtedly, at every competition you will have members of the unofficial ‘glide team’ competing against the ‘rotational team’. Furthermore, if you talk to enough coaches, you will find people who love one technique over the other, and will get into debates about which technique is superior. Finally, it is easy for the general public to decipher the difference between the two techniques…and to choose a favorite technique to cheer for. Because these two very different techniques, produced around the same time, are able to both produce world championship winning throws, the shot put techniques are the number 2 throwing innovation.

Throws Innovation № 1: The Use of Heavy and Light Throwing Implements
By Tim Worden on October 11th, 2013

And now, the number 1 throws innovation. When I search the literature on throws training, one means of training stands out above all others in terms of efficacy and popularity: training with heavier and lighter than competition implements. Many top coaches such as Babbitt and Bondarchuk have advocated for the effectiveness of including different weighted implements in training.

It is widely accepted that heavy implements increase the athlete’s strength for the throwing movement. Conversely, the lighter implements are used to increase speed during the throwing movement. Some critics may advocate that the use of heavy and light implements negatively affect the rhythm of throwing movements. However, the outstanding distances athletes throw using this training means cannot be ignored. Because throwers of all levels and disciplines can benefit from the use of heavy and light implements, this training means is the number 1 throws innovation.

MTC Fall Throwing Sessions

The road to better throws continues into the fall...
Athletes that would like to continue working on technique and add more off-season reps to your preparation for the upcoming season should join us for MADISON THROWS CLUB fall sessions.
Sunday, September 15
Sunday, September 29
Sunday, October 13
Sunday, October 27
All sessions will be Sunday mornings at 10am.
Held outdoors at the Madison Memorial High School Track and Field facility.

Cost is $100 or  $35/session for Summer 2013 MTC Members.
            $115 or  $40/session for new athletes.

Please contact Coach Frontier with questions regarding Fall throwing, one-one-one sessions, or off-season speed and strength training.
Athletes wishing to work on Hammer or Javelin must make a one-on-one appointment.

Know your Glide SHOT PUT history

Make sure you know your glide shot put history.  When Parry O'Brien turned his back to the toe board in the '56 Olympics it changed everything. It's important to find out why we do things and how we can continue to refine them.
Throw Far,
Coach Frontier
p.s. That is Bruce Jenner doing the interview.  Yes, before the Kardashians and before all that surgery messed up his face.


I have seen incredible growth in interest for throwing Shot Put and Discus as the Throws Coach at Madison Memorial High School. My first year coaching in 2002, I had 17 throwers boys and girls combined.   That number ballooned to 47 throwers at one point.  I now average about 35 throwers a year. Those numbers have necessitated more space to practice... we added 3 circles in 2007 with the help of Mark Nelson and Lycon Inc.  Now, after a couple years of planning, Mark again has helped us with more space by adding 14 new circles for throwing and technique.  

Thank you to all of the Madison Memorial Thowers, whose passion for Track and Field has helped make more circles necessary.  But the biggest thank you goes to Mark Nelson and his guys, whose hard work and generosity made this happen.  I am one happy throws Coach!
Congrats Madison Throws Club ... you will soon be benefiting from this upgrade as well!
Diggin' in.

The forms are in...ready for concrete.

Pour it in and smooth it out.

An Amazing Summer

- About half of the fantastic 2013 Madison Throws Club crew -
Just wanted to say thank you to all of the hard working athletes and coaches who made this Summer MTC group so special.  Athletes your willingness to listen and make changes will pay huge dividends next season. Coach Storms, Coach Verhelst, Coach Ehrhorn, Coach Vaughn, Geno, Coach Campbell, Angela, Mary, Dave, Peter, Brandon - thank you for sharing your expertise with our athletes.

Coach Ehrhorn works with Karen W.

Coach Storms instructing Katie B.

Geno demonstrates for Tanner R.

Landon E. working hard in the discus circle.


MTC's young hammer crew: Lindsay Herra, Samantha Noennig, Corinne Franz with Coaches
Angela Boushea, Larry Ehrhorn, Mary Theisen, and Tyler Genovese.  Thank You coaches!

MTC Hammer Throwers
KeKe Burks, AJ Musser, Kiley Sabin, Haley Houser, Corinne Franz and Sam Noennig

Great group of Hammer Throwers at MTC yesterday! The Group included some first timers learning the event.  As well as KeKe Burks returning from her Frosh Year at The University of North Dakota where she broke the school record as a Freshman.   Lets get back to work next week.

MTC Throwers push P.R.s in Summer Meets

Congratulations to Chloe Eckstein, Reedsville H.S., finished 1st in her age group at the Badger State Games in Wausau, Wisconsin. Chloe, who just finished her sophomore year, P.R.d in the DISCUS with at throw of 111'5". Keep up the good work Chloe!

Samantha Noennig, Hartford H.S., competed at the USATF Youth National Championships last weekend and had some strong marks.  Sam, who just finished her freshman year, P.R.d in the DISCUS with a throw of 144'4" to take 3rd in the 16 and under division.  She also finished 4th in the Hammer, and 16th in the Shot Put.  Amazing work SAM, competing in a National level meet, and competing well!
Chloe Eckstein
Samantha Noennig 3rd Place Discus - 144'4"


Good Luck to the throwers competing in this weekends USA OUTDOOR NATIONAL Championships. This year's competition is a World Championship Qualifying event and will be held in Des Moines, Iowa at the historical Drake University track. MTC's MOLLY GRIEP and KeKe BURKS both freshman at the University of North Dakota have qualified to compete in the Junior Championships (19 and under)for a spot on USA's World Team. KeKe will compete in both the hammer and discus, while Molly will compete in the discus. On the junior mens side, MTC's JASON ZAHN, a freshmen at Ashland University, will compete in the discus. Also competing this weekend is Taylor Smith, senior University of Wisconsin, in the Women's Shot Put. Taylor has helped coach at MTC over the past 2 years. Congrats on qualifying and good luck in competition this weekend. Can't wait to watch.

Lets get started!

I can't wait to get started today. See you all Monday, June 17. Rain or Shine!


Congratulations to the Madison Throws Club throwers who were selected to represent their STATE in the Midwest Senior Spotlight/All-Star Track and Field Meet.

The Senior Spotlight meet is competed each year the week after the State Track and Field meet.  Seniors at the top of the State Honor Roll are asked to represent their state.  Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois have competed against eachother annually since 2001.

Women Shot Put
Sr All-Star: 47-02.25 * 2008 Bailey Wagner
Name                         School            Finals
1 Alexa Hunt             Team Iowa   43-08.00
2 Sarah Pate             Team Ia W   41-05.50
3 Kamry Gipson        Team Wis    40-04.00
4 Michelle Brandt      Team Wis    39-08.00
5 Morgan Keller        Team Illinois 39-06.00
6 Taylor Steffen         Team Wis     39-05.00
7 Haley Houser        Team Wis      39-01.50
8 Lindsay Herra       Team Illinois 38-01.00
9 Corinne Franz        Team Wis     37-01.00
10 Brook Jacobsma   Team Iowa   36-04.00
11 Kaylee Blake        Team Iowa   36-01.00
12 Vicky Kapnisis      Team Iowa   35-10.00

Women Discus Throw
Sr All-Star: 166-10 * 2008 Taylor Freeman
Name                        School           Finals
1 Lindsay Herra      Team Illinois 144-10
2 Sarah Pate             Team Iowa   141-10
3 Morgan Keller       Team Illinois 138-00
4 Corinne Franz      Team Wis    136-00
5 Kaylee Blake        Team Iowa    128-00
6 Mallory Nickerson Team Wis     126-04
7 Brook Jacobsma   Team Iowa    123-03
8 Vicky Kapnisis      Team Iowa   117-06
9 Taylor Steffen        Team Wis     117-01
10 Haley Houser    Team Wis     107-00
11 Alexa Hunt          Team Iowa    97-05

Men Shot Put
Sr All-Star: 67-03 * 2011 Jermaine Kline
Name                        School          Finals
1 Riley Kitridge        Team Illinois   61-04.00
2 Dustin Valind        Team Wis       58-04.50
3 Riley Budde          Team Wis       56-06.00
4 Gregory Ganter     Team Wis       55-02.00
5 CJ Schade            Team Wis       54-00.50
6 Emmett Wester     Team Iowa     52-09.00
7 Justin Dunn           Team Iowa      51-06.00
8 Coleman Nelson    Team Illinois   50-10.00
9 Nick Piker            Team Illinois   46-04.00

Men Discus Throw
Sr All-Star: 197-00 * 2005 Chase Madison
Name                         School        Finals
1 Nick Piker              Team Illinois   176-05
2 Dustin Valind          Team Wis       175-00
3 Riley Kitridge         Team Illinois    173-10
4 Joseph Weiner       Team Iowa      173-05
5 Coleman Nelson    Team Illinois     169-11
6 Sam Elsner            Team Wis        168-09
7 Gregory Ganter      Team Wis       163-06
8 Craig Murtha          Team Iowa     162-09
9 Riley Budde            Team Wis       162-07
10 Justin Dunn           Team Iowa      147-00
11 Emmett Wester     Team Iowa     131-07


Yep, you can still register for Madison Throws Club this summer, you just missed the early bird savings.  Session 2 is nearly full so hurry up.  Athletes interested in coming to a single day 3 hour session can sign up throughout the summer.
Stay tuned for announcements on special

Questions, feel free to contact me.

Kiley Sabin wins D1 Girls Shot Put Championship

Congratulations to Slinger's Kiley Sabin (jr) on winning the 2013 WIAA State Shot Put Championship.  Kiley had started the weekend with a Runner-Up finish in the Girls Discus on Friday, it only got better Saturday as she P.R.d in the Shot Put with a throw of 43' 4.75" to place pressure on the field chasing her, she could not be caught.  Outstanding job Kiley!

MTC had several other qualifiers in the shot put that had strong finishes their seasons' in the LaCrosse as well.   Haley Houser (sr), Stoughton, followed up her 8th place finish in the Discus with a podium finish (6th) in the Shot Put.  Along with Kaitlyn Long 9th, Corinne Franz 15th, Sam Noennig 20th.

Kiley's STATE Shot Put Championship is the 15th championship for Madison Throws Club throwers.
All 6 of Kiley's throws were over 40 feet, the only thrower in this year's competition to do that, she had the 4 best throws in the meet.  (prelims1 - 40'11.25, prelims2 - 43'4.75, prelims3 41'4.5", finals4 - 40'1.25, finals5 41'6.75", finals6 - 41'6.75").

Girls Shot Put Division 1
State Record: * 49-04.25  2010        Jessica Maroszek, Seymour                
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Kiley Sabin               JR Slinger             41-10.00   43-04.75   10   
  2 Katie Cihlar              SO Wausau West         39-07.25   41-01.50    8   
  3 Kamry Gipson              SR Sun Prairie         40-07.00   40-02.75    6   
  4 Michelle Brandt           JR Wausau West         38-08.00   40-00.00    5   
  5 Taylor Steffen            SR Hudson              40-08.25   39-05.25    4   
  6 Haley Houser              SR Stoughton           41-03.00   39-05.00    3   
  7 Jade Mader                JR Appleton E          36-08.00   38-06.25    2   
  8 Kris Lindow               FR Ashwaubenon         39-05.00   38-05.50    1   
  9 Kaitlyn Long              JR Monona Grove        37-10.25   37-08.00  
 10 Jordan Bartholf           SR Verona Area         37-11.00   37-02.50  
 11 Meg Wolowicz              SO Manitowoc Li        36-03.00   36-10.50  
 12 Kaitlyn Weis              SR Waukesha N          37-07.00   36-08.50  
 13 Courtney Chaney           SO Milw King           36-01.00   36-05.50  
 14 Stephanie Kostowicz       JR Oak Creek           36-07.00   36-03.00  
 15 Corinne Franz             SR Madison Mem         36-11.75   36-01.00  
 16 Mileesha Hamilton         JR Racine Case         37-02.50   35-08.50  
 17 Isabella Samuels          SO GB Preble           37-08.75   35-07.00  
 18 Gina Pezze                JR New Berlin W        36-07.50   35-05.75  
 19 Alexus Crockett           SO Stoughton           36-00.00   35-04.50  
 20 Sam Noennig               FR Hartford            37-05.00   34-11.00  
 21 Brittney Lincoln          FR Franklin            35-06.00   34-10.00  
 22 Jenna Burns               SR Homestead           35-03.50   33-10.50  
 23 Beth Garncarz             FR Wauwatosa W         35-10.00   32-11.00  
 -- Melissa May               SR Marshfield          38-04.25         ND  
 -- Devon Peck                SR Nicolet             38-01.50         ND  

Corinne Franz Wins Back-to-Back DISCUS titles

Corinne Franz won her second straight WIAA D1 Girls Discus Championship Friday night in LaCrosse.  Her final throw of preliminaries of 143'10" was her best throw of the day, she had 3 other throws that were good enough to win the competition, which was competed in a terrible tail wind that did no throwers any favors.  As both her club and high school coach, I have seen in person her hard work and dedication to Track and Field, in the circle and in the weight room.  I couldn't be more proud!

MTC throwers completed a 1-2-3 sweep of the Girls Discus.  Slinger's Kiley Sabin (jr) finished 2nd with a throw of 130'0", Hartford's Sam Noennig (fr) finished 3rd with at throw of 126'9".

MTC had several other athletes qualify for state and finish the year strong.  Haley Houser 8th, Paige Day 11th, Abby Jankowski 18th.

With her second gold, Corinne completes a journey that started with Madison Throws Club the summer before her freshman year of high school but will continue at the University of DePaul  next year.
Congratulations Corinne!  And good luck!

Corinne's win in the discus is the 14th State Championship won by Madison Throws Club Throwers.
Corinne used her first throw (prelims1- 118'8") in the prelims as a safety throw to get a mark to qualify for finals, Her following 5 throws all bested the competition (prelims2 -137'5", prelims 3 - 143'10", finals4 - 135'2", finals5 - 137'6", finals6 - 137'6").  Watch all 6 throws in the video below.

Girls Discus Throw Division 1
State Record: * 169-10  1999        Jill Pedretti, Verona Area                 
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Corinne Franz             SR Madison Mem           143-08     143-10   10   
  2 Kiley Sabin               JR Slinger               133-03     130-00    8   
  3 Sam Noennig               FR Hartford              128-06     126-09    6   
  4 Mallory Nickerson         SR Pulaski               127-09     126-08    5   
  5 Katie Cihlar              JR Wausau West           126-07     125-00    4   
  6 Ashley Hartwig            SR Janesvlle Parker      119-06     119-03    3   
  7 Jaci Albrecht             SR Cedarburg             108-06     116-06    2   
  8 Haley Houser              SR Stoughton             110-10     115-05    1   
  9 Lydia Meier               SR Middleton             105-07     115-02  
 10 Stephanie Kostowicz       JR Oak Creek             110-05     113-03  
 11 Paige Day                 SR DC  Everest           115-04     110-06  
 12 Yasmeena Ougayour         JR Marshfield            109-08     109-08  
 13 Jessica Meichtry          SR Brkfield Cen          114-10     109-07  
 14 Courtney Chaney           SO Milw King             116-07     109-00  
 15 Chy'enne LeNeair          SR Racine Horlk          110-04     108-11  
 16 Jenna Rosenthal           JR Fond du Lac           120-05     108-02  
 17 Kristina Kennedy          JR Madison La Folle      118-01     108-02  
 18 Abby Jankowski            SO Greendale             108-01     107-07  
 19 Lindsay Hillmer           SO Kettle Moran          101-01     107-05  
 20 Hailey Krahn              JR Wauwatosa E           103-09     104-04  
 21 Liberty Wieseman          SR Badger                114-05     104-03  
 22 Brieanne Lippert          JR Hortonville           111-06     102-06  
 23 Jami Turriff              FR West De Pere          115-06      95-08  
 24 Ashley Tanski             JR Grafton               100-10      90-01 

Coach Frontier and Corinne Franz

Corinne Franz, Sam Noennig, Kiley Sabin


We have had the distinct pleasure of working with many throwers through Madison Throws Club, Mukwonago Throws Club, Central Wisconsin Throws Club and A special congratulations go out to the following throwers on their accomplishments and for blazing a trail for the MTC throwers that follow you.



2024 D1 Boys Shot Put Smith, Ben Hortonville 1st* MR

2024 D1 Boys Shot Put Rusch, Matthew  Fond du Lac 2nd

2024 D1 Boys Shot Put Clapper, D'Angelo  Franklin 6th

2024 D1 Boys Shot Put Willmann, Ethan  Mukwonago 8th       

2024 D1 Boys Shot Put Knecht, Ethan  Marshfield           

2024 D1 Boys Shot Put Peterson, KJ  Middleton            

2024 D1 Boys Shot Put Rumohr, Grey  Kettle Moraine      

2024 D1 Boys Shot Put Frey, Logan   Brookfield East    

2024 D1 Boys Shot Put Ukpong, Jorden D. C. Everest       

2024 D1 Boys Shot Put Spaltholz, Clayton  South Milwaukee

2024 D1 Boys Shot Put Marek, Aaron Brookfield Central   

2024 D1 Boys Shot Put Cousins, Scott  Wisconsin Lutheran      

2024 D1 Boys Discus Ruland, Bryce Waterford Union 1st* MR

2024 D1 Boys Discus Smith, Ben  Hortonville 2nd

2024 D1 Boys Discus Rusch, Matthew  Fond du Lac 3rd

2024 D1 Boys Discus Ukpong, Jorden  D. C. Everest 6th

2024 D1 Boys Discus Griffith, Matthew  Marquette 8th          

2024 D1 Boys Discus Steinhoff, Atlin  Tomah                     

2024 D1 Boys Discus Baker, Dayne   Kettle Moraine          

2024 D1 Boys Discus Frey, Logan  Brookfield East  

2024 D1 Boys Discus Mosser, Colin    Holmen             

2024 D1 Boys Discus Strebel, Tim  Waunakee          

2024 D1 Boys Discus Haeger, Michael Oak Creek        

2024 D1 Boys Discus Gruszynski, Marcus Wausau East 

2024 D1 Boys Discus Knecht, Ethan  Marshfield           

2024 D1 Boys Discus Clapper, D'Angelo Franklin  

2024 D1 Boys Discus Malkan, Chetan Waukesha West  

2024 D2 Boys Shot Put Graffin, Wyatt  Columbus 2nd

2024 D2 Boys Shot Put Groskopf, Isaiah Lodi 8th

2024 D2 Boys Shot Put Schmitz, Kaiden  Winnebago Lutheran

2024 D2 Boys Shot Put Szeflinski, Tyler  Eisenhower

2024 D2 Boys Discus Schmitz, Kaiden  Winnebago Lutheran 

2024 D2 Boys Discus Graffin, Wyatt  Columbus

2024 D4 Boys Shot Put Smith, Caleb  Albany 7th

2024 D4 Boys Discus Gahan, Andrew Living Word Lutheran 1st

2024 D1 Girls Discus  Cassel, Anneka   Waunakee  2nd

2024 D1 Girls Discus  Eby, Piper Germantown 4th 

2024 D1 Girls Discus  Roden, Jadyn   Holmen  5th      

2024 D1 Girls Discus  Rogers, Lily   Baraboo  7th          

2024 D1 Girls Discus  Doherty, Megan   Watertown                  

2024 D1 Girls Discus  Albrecht, Ava  Homestead      

2024 D1 Girls Discus  Chilicki, Rachael  Mukwonago        

2024 D1 Girls Discus  Barnhardt, Bernie  EC North             

2024 D1 Girls Discus  Totzke, Alianna    Wausau West      

2024 D1 Girls Discus  Mohns, Ava  Brookfield Cent.     

2024 D1 Girls Discus  Bushre, Allie   Waukesha North 

2024 D1 Girls Discus  Czarnecki, Maddie Muskego

2024 D1 Girls Shot Put  Rogers, Lily Baraboo  3rd   

2024 D1 Girls Shot Put  Schmidt, Brenna Holmen  6th               

2024 D1 Girls Shot Put  Moseler, Addy  Arrowhead  8th

2024 D1 Girls Shot Put  Doherty, Megan   Watertown             

2024 D1 Girls Shot Put  Roden, Jadyn  Holmen                 

2024 D1 Girls Shot Put  Missall, Julia   Mukwonago                     

2024 D1 Girls Shot Put  Clifford, Lily  Wausau East     

2024 D1 Girls Shot Put  Barnhardt, Bernie EC North                   

2024 D1 Girls Shot Put  Boudjou, Brielle Franklin      

2024 D1 Girls Shot Put  Chilicki, Rachael  Mukwonago           

2024 D1 Girls Shot Put  Zingsheim, Caitlin Milton                     

2024 D1 Girls Shot Put  Mick, Jaelyn Muskego

2024 D2 Girls Shot Put Williams, Onni Brodhead/Juda

2024 D2 Girls Shot Put Schnieder, Genevieve  New Berlin West 

2024 D2 Girls Discus Bahe, Izzy Lodi  7th

2024 D2 Girls Discus Laudolff, Kinsley  Laconia  8th

2024 D2 Girls Discus Griffith, Caillie  Eisenhower

2024 D2 Girls Discus Houston, Haelyn  East Troy

2024 D3 Girls Shot Put  Kessenich, Chloe Pardeeville 1st

2024 D3 Girls Shot Put  Skoraczewski, Nora  Drummond

2024 D3 Girls Shot Put  Meister, Josie  Darlington

2024 D3 Girls Discus Skoraczewski, Nora Drummond 2nd

2024 D3 Girls Discus Kessenich, Chloe Pardeeville 5th



2023 D1 Boys Shot Put Ben Smith 11 Hortonville 1st

2023 D1 Boys Shot Put Ben Matthew Rusch 11 Fond du Lac 4th

2023 D1 Boys Shot Put Ben Nathan Roy 11 Mukwonago  6th

2023 D1 Boys Shot Put Ben Cole Stevens 12 D.C. Everest 8th

2023 D1 Boys Shot Put Ben Cole Sallet 12 Stevens Point

2023 D1 Boys Shot Put Ben Joe Mueller 12 Madison Memorial  

2023 D1 Boys Shot Put Ben Antonino Baier 11 Menomonee Falls  

2023 D1 Boys Shot Put Ben Grey Rumohr 11 Kettle Moraine  

2023 D1 Boys Discus Ben Smith 11 Hortonville 2nd

2023 D1 Boys Discus Cole Stevens 12 D.C. Everest 7th

2023 D1 Boys Discus Matthew Rusch 11 Fond du Lac 4th

2023 D1 Boys Discus Logan Frey 11 Brookfield East

2023 D1 Boys Discus Matthew Griffith 10 Marquette

2023 D1 Boys Discus Marcus Gruszynski 11 Wausau East

2023 D1 Boys Discus Ethan Willmann 11 Mukwonago 

2023 D1 Boys Discus Kaelan McDonough 12 Oak Creek

2023 D1 Girls Shot Put Madilyn Vander Sanden 12 Middleton 3rd

2023 D1 Girls Shot Put Aubri Brown 12 Marshfield 

2023 D1 Girls Shot Put Kaleese Burrell 10 Madison Memorial 5th

2023 D1 Girls Shot Put Julia Missall 11 Mukwonago 4th

2023 D1 Girls Shot Put Megan Doherty 10 Watertown  2nd

2023 D1 Girls Shot Put  Lily Clifford 11 Wausau East

2023 D1 Girls Shot Put Paige Schreiber 12 Mukwonago

2023 D1 Girls Shot Put Makayla Herman 11 WI Rapids Lincoln 

2023 D1 Girls Discus  Aubri Brown 12 Marshfield 

2023 D1 Girls Discus  Keilley Riddle 12 Stoughton

2023 D1 Girls Discus  Anneka Cassel 11 Waunakee  2nd  

2023 D1 Girls Discus  Piper Eby 10 Germantown 

2023 D1 Girls Discus  Megan Doherty 10 Watertown 8th

2023 D1 Girls Discus  Lauren Adams 12 Sun Prairie West  7th

2023 D1 Girls Discus  Madilyn Vander Sanden 12 Middleton 

2023 D1 Girls Discus  Makenna Sepic 12 Oconomowoc 

2023 D1 Girls Discus  Abi Masloroff 12 Franklin 

2023 D2 Boys Shot Put Ben Buxa 12 Lakeside Lutheran 1st

2023 D2 Boys Discus Connor Raupp 12 Whitewater 

2023 D2 Boys Discus Logan Peters 12 Wrightstown 3rd

2023 D2 Boys Discus Ben Buxa 12 Lakeside Lutheran 2nd

2023 D2 Boys Discus John Schwaab 11 Catholic Memorial 

2023 D2 Girls Shot Put Ayianna Johnson 12 Jefferson  3rd

2023 D2 Girls Shot Put Onni Williams 11 Brodhead/Jud  

2023 D2 Girls Shot Put Tatum Widenhaft 10 Grafton 

2023 D2 Girls Discus Ayianna Johnson 12 Jefferson 1st

2023 D2 Girls Discus Emma Page 11 St. Francis

2023 D2 Girls Discus Izzy Bahe 10 Lodi 7th

2023 D3 Boys Shot Put Nolan Baudry 12 St. Mary’s Springs

2023 D3 Boys Shot Put Manny Kingston 12 Fall River 

2023 D3 Boys Discus Nolan Baudry 12 St. Mary’s Springs

2023 D3 Boys Discus Andrew Gahan 10 Living Word Lutheran 

2023 D3 Boys Discus Manny Kingston 12 Fall River 

2023 D3 Girls Shot Put Chloe Kessenich 10 Pardeeville 6th

2023 D3 Girls Shot Put Bailey Angell 11 Gilman 

2023 D3 Girls Discus Nora Scoraczeski 11 Durand 3rd

2023 D3 Girls Discus Chloe Kessenich 10 Pardeeville 8th

2023 D3 Girls Discus Fiona Shields 11 Elk Hart Lake

2022 (57/441) State Qualifiers

2022 D1 Girls Discus Gianna Trotter Fond du Lac
2022 D1 Girls Discus Ella Pavlovich D.C. Everest 2nd
2022 D1 Girls Discus Aubri Brown Marshfield 8th
2022 D1 Girls Discus Saraya Davis Eau Claire North
2022 D1 Girls Discus Makenna Sepic Oconomowoc
2022 D1 Girls Discus Seneca Funmaker Baraboo
2022 D1 Girls Discus Olivia Morgan Madison Memorial 4th
2022 D1 Girls Discus Anneka Cassel Waunakee 7th
2022 D1 Girls Discus Abi Masloroff Franklin
2022 D1 Girls Discus Jane Procter Monona Grove
2022 D1 Girls Discus Riley Quinn Watertown 1st
2022 D1 Girls Shot Put Riley Quinn Watertown 1st
2022 D1 Girls Shot Put Saraya Davis Eau Claire North 3rd
2022 D1 Girls Shot Put Megan Doherty Watertown
2022 D1 Girls Shot Put Madilyn Vander Sanden Middleton
2022 D1 Girls Shot Put Olivia Morgan Madison Memorial
2022 D1 Girls Shot Put Ally Saleh Waunakee
2022 D1 Girls Shot Put Julia Missall Mukwonago
2022 D1 Girls Shot Put Paige Paprocki Mukwonago
2022 D1 Girls Shot Put Kamyla Held Whitnall
2022 D1 Girls Shot Put Madison Wellsmith Brookfield Central
2022 D1 Girls Shot Put Aubri Brown Marshfield
2022 D1 Boys Shot Put Ben Smith Hortonville 1st
2022 D1 Boys Shot Put Joe Brunner Whitefish Bay
2022 D1 Boys Shot Put Ian Phebus Waunakee
2022 D1 Boys Shot Put Matthew Rusch Fond du Lac 5th
2022 D1 Boys Shot Put Dan Otto Eau Claire North 3rd
2022 D1 Boys Shot Put Cole Stevens D.C. Everest 8th
2022 D1 Boys Shot Put Brady Reusser Oak Creek
2022 D1 Boys Shot Put Jacob Brost Janesville Parker
2022 D1 Boys Shot Put Ethan Wrasman Mukwonago
2022 D1 Boys Discus Ben Smith Hortonville 1st
2022 D1 Boys Discus Joe Brunner Whitefish Bay
2022 D1 Boys Discus Owen Nowak Baraboo
2022 D1 Boys Discus Ian Phebus Waunakee
2022 D1 Boys Discus Dan Otto Eau Claire North 3rd
2022 D1 Boys Discus Cole Stevens D.C. Everest
2022 D1 Boys Discus Matthew Rusch Fond du Lac
2022 D1 Boys Discus Brady Reusser Oak Creek
2022 D2 Girls Shot Put Lauren Bird Amherst
2022 D2 Girls Shot Put Ella Puls Lodi 2nd
2022 D2 Girls Shot Put Ayianna Johnson Jefferson 6th
2022 D2 Girls Shot Put Audra Gallick Adams-Friendship 3rd
2022 D2 Girls Discus Audra Gallick Adams-Friendship 3rd
2022 D2 Girls Discus Ayianna Johnson Jefferson 1st
2022 D2 Boys Discus Ryan Norton River Valley
2022 D2 Boys Discus Ben Buxa Lakeside Lutheran 6th
2022 D2 Boys Discus Logan Peters Wrightstown 7th
2022 D2 Boys Shot Put Ben Buxa Lakeside Lutheran
2022 D3 Girls Shot Put Bailey Angell Gilman 2nd
2022 D3 Girls Discus Adrianne Bader Dodgeland
2022 D3 Girls Discus Bailey Angell Gilman 6th
2022 D3 Girls Discus Kylie Hehr Johnson Creek
2022 D3 Boys Shot Put Manny Kingston Fall River
2022 D3 Boys Discus Manny Kingston Fall River 2nd
2022 D3 Boys Discus Andrew Gahan Living Word 8th

2021 D1 Boys Discus Jackson Acker Verona 1st
2021 D1 Boys Discus Noah Jessup Franklin 2nd
2021 D1 Boys Discus Jake Schaefer Baraboo 3rd
2021 D1 Boys Discus Brennan Neitzel D.C. Everest 4th
2021 D1 Boys Discus Dan Otto Eau Claire North 6th
2021 D1 Boys Discus William Campbell Kaukana 8th
2021 D1 Boys Discus Matthew Rusch Fond du lac
2021 D1 Boys Discus Cole Stevens D.C. Everest
2021 D1 Boys Discus Joe Brunner Whitefish Bay
2021 D1 Boys Discus Jacob Young Mukwonago
2021 D1 Boys Discus Brady Frey Brookfield East
2021 D1 Boys Shot Put Jackson Acker Verona 1st
2021 D1 Boys Shot Put Dan Otto Eau Claire North 5th
2021 D1 Boys Shot Put Jake Schaefer Baraboo 6th
2021 D1 Boys Shot Put Joe Brunner Whitefish Bay
2021 D1 Boys Shot Put Jacob Young Mukwonago
2021 D1 Boys Shot Put Brennan Neitzel D.C. Everest
2021 D1 Boys Shot Put Matthew Rusch Fond du lac
2021 D1 Boys Shot Put Noah Jessup Franklin
2021 D1 Boys Shot Put Brady Frey Brookfield East
2021 D1 Girls Discus Danni Langseth D.C. Everest 1st
2021 D1 Girls Discus Ella Pavlovich D.C. Everest 5th
2021 D1 Girls Discus Aubri Brown Marshfield
2021 D1 Girls Discus Gianna Trotter Fond du lac
2021 D1 Girls Discus Riley Quinn Watertown
2021 D1 Girls Discus Madison Wellsmith Brookfield Central
2021 D1 Girls Discus Abi Masloroff Franklin
2021 D1 Girls Discus Sydney Link Mukwonago
2021 D1 Girls Shot Put Danni Langseth D.C. Everest 1st
2021 D1 Girls Shot Put Riley Quinn Watertown 8th
2021 D1 Girls Shot Put Anel Robinson Brookfield Central
2021 D1 Girls Shot Put Kamyla Held Whitnall
2021 D1 Girls Shot Put Julia Missall Mukwonago
2021 D2 Boys Shot Put Caleb Bunker Monroe
2021 D2 Boys Shot Put Devin Digman Platteville
2021 D2 Boys Discus Devin Digman Platteville
2021 D2 Boys Discus Ryan Norton River Valley 5th
2021 D2 Girls Discus Aiyanna Johnson Jefferson 3rd
2021 D2 Girls Discus Alayna Digman Platteville

2021 D2 Girls Discus Audra Gallick Adams-Friendship
2021 D2 Girls Discus Josephine Jacklin Kettle Moraine Lutheran
2021 D2 Girls Shot Put Alayna Digman Platteville 6th
2021 D2 Girls Shot Put Audra Gallick Adams-Friendship 5th
2021 D3 Boys Shot Put Ezra Stein Cambridge
2021 D3 Girls Discus Adrianne Bader Dodgeland
2021 D3 Girls Discus Bailey Angell Gilman 4th
2021 D3 Girls Shot Put Adrianne Bader Dodgeland 7th
2021 D3 Girls Shot Put Bailey Angell Gilman
2021 D2 Girls Shot Put Taylor Schulz Rice Lake
2021 D2 Girls Shot Put Josephine Jacklin Kettle Moraine Lutheran

2019 (38/336) State Qualifiers
2019D1 Girls Discus Danni Langseth SO D.C. Everest 1st
2019D1 Girls Discus Gianna Trotter FR Fond du Lac 2nd
2019D1 Girls Discus Mia Ketelhohn SR Cedarburg 3rd
2019D1 Girls Discus Cynthia Rosales JR Madison Memorial 4th
2019D1 Girls Discus Alexis Johnson SR Baraboo 5th
2019D1 Girls Discus Vanesa Uitenbrook JR Kaukauna 7th
2019D1 Girls Discus Maisie Gelhar JR D.C. Everest 8th
2019D1 Girls Discus Mia Dunning SR Ashwaubenon
2019D1 Girls Discus Khersa Morgan SR Madison La Follette
2019D1 Girls Discus Claudia Lecher SR Brookfield East
2019D1 Girls Discus Katie Fruth SR Union Grove
2019D1 Girls Discus Kassie Wicherski SR Waukesha Nor
2019D1 Girls Discus Brenna Masloroff JR Franklin
2019D1 Girls Discus Maija Roufus JR Brookfield East
2019D1 Girls Shot Put Danni Langseth SO D.C. Everest 1st
2019D1 Girls Shot Put Reette Thorns JR Madison Memorial 2nd
2019D1 Girls Shot Put Katie Fruth SR Union Grove 4th
2019D1 Girls Shot Put Brenna Masloroff JR Franklin 6th
2019D1 Girls Shot Put Mia Dunning SR Ashwaubenon
2019D1 Girls Shot Put Kassie Wicherski SR Waukesha North
2019D1 Boys Shot Put Patrick Horvath SR Madison West
2019D1 Boys Discus Ben Hoitink SR Slinger
2019D1 Boys Discus Hasim Rihawi SR Wauwatosa West
2019D1 Boys Discus Max Messina SR Oshkosh West
2019D1 Boys Discus Colin Kennedy SR Madison Memorial
2019D1 Boys Discus Eddie Haeger SR Oak Creek 
2019D2 Girls Shot Put Izzy Carroll JR Platteville 8th
2019D2 Girls Discus Izzy Carroll JR Platteville 2nd
2019D2 Girls Discus Kayla Kloss SR Jefferson 5th
2019D2 Girls DiscusHaiden Zimmerman SR Belleville/NG 7th
2019D2 Girls Discus Chloe Bunker JR Monroe
2019D2 Boys Shot Put 11 Austin Jentz JR Platteville 6th
2019D2 Boys Discus Austin Jentz JR Platteville 1st
2019D2 Boys Discus Zach Donley JR Jefferson
2019D3 Boys Discus Evan Blumer SR Albany 4th
2019D3 Boys Discus Alex Brende SR Cambridge 5th
2019D3 Girls Shot Put Aubrey Schoeneman JR Mercer 1st
2019D3 Girls Shot Put Robin Witt SR Cambridge 

2018 (39/298) MTC QUALIFIERS
2018 D1 Girls Discus Natalie Mohring SR D.C. Everest  1st        
2018 D1 Girls Discus Danni Langseth FR D.C. Everest 2nd         
2018 D1 Girls Discus Jenna Dankert SR Oak Creek 4th              
2018 D1 Girls Discus Mia Ketelhohn JR Cedarburg            
2018 D1 Girls Discus Maisie Gelhar SO D.C. Everest 7th
2018 D1 Girls Discus Lauren Lietzke SR Appleton West  3rd       
2018 D1 Girls Discus Alyssa Rivest SR Watertown                  
2018 D1 Girls Discus Micky Barrette SR Mukwonago                              
2018 D1 Girls Discus Julia Hartwig JR Janesville Parker 5th                
2018 D1 Girls Discus Cynthia Rosales SO Madison Memorial       
2018 D1 Girls Shot Put Jenna Dankert SR Oak Creek  1st           
2018 D1 Girls Shot Put Julia Hartwig JR Janesville Parker  3rd                    
2018 D1 Girls Shot Put Kassie Wicherski JR Waukesha North 5th              
2018 D1 Girls Shot Put Alyssa Rivest SR Watertown   6th          
2018 D1 Girls Shot Put Abbi Stafslien-Dumale SR La Crosse Central  4th                   
2018 D1 Girls Shot Put Reette Thorns  SO Madison Memorial 9th                
2018 D1 Girls Shot Put Natalie Mohring   SR D.C. Everest                                    
2018 D1 Girls Shot Put Lauren Lietzke SR Appleton West                    
2018 D1 Girls Shot Put Mia Ketelhohn  JR Cedarburg              
2018 D1 Boys Shot Put Patrick Horvath JR Madison West
2018 D1 Boys Discus Carter Aguilera SR Monona Grove 6th
2018 D1 Boys Discus Ben Hoitink JR Slinger
2018 D1 Boys Discus Calvin Peterson SR Madison Memorial       
2018 D1 Boys Discus Mason Resch SO Homestead
2018 D2 Girls Discus Emily Stendel SR Jefferson 4th        
2018 D2 Girls Discus Skye Digman SR Platteville  3rd                
2018 D2 Girls Discus Kayla Kloss JR Jefferson  8th                  
2018 D2 Girls Shot Put Brooke Kary SR Kettle Moraine Lutheran 3rd    
2018 D2 Girls Shot Put Skye Digman SR Platteville 4th
2018 D2 Girls Shot Put Emily Stendel SR Jefferson   5th         
2018 D2 Boys Discus Gebhart, Cody SR Chilton 1st                    
2018 D2 Boys Discus Paul Hollenberger  SR Jefferson                           
2018 D3 Girls Discus Emma Richards SR Ozaukee  1st            
2018 D3 Girls Shot Put Emma Richards SR Ozaukee  1st           
2018 D3 Boys Discus Evan Blumer JR Albany 3rd
2018 D3 Boys Discus Nick Vander Grinten SR Deerfield 6th               
2018 D3 Boys Discus Jacob Wedig SR Belmont
2018 D3 Boys Shot Put Jacob Wedig SR Belmont 1st      

2017 (39/259) MTC QUALIFIERS
2017 D1 Girls Discus Josie Schaefer 12 Baraboo 1st
2017 D1 Girls Discus Natalie Mohring 11 D.C. Everest 2nd
2017 D1 Girls Discus Erin Dunning 12 Ashwaubenon 3rd
2017 D1 Girls Discus Amanda Sabourin 12 Westosha Central 5th
2017 D1 Girls Discus Kelsey Judge 12 Baraboo 4th
2017 D1 Girls Discus Caty Abitz 12 LaFollette
2017 D1 Girls Discus Julia Hartwig 10 Janesville Parker
2017 D1 Girls Discus Alyssa Rivest 11 Watertown 6th
2017 D1 Girls Discus Mickey Barrette 11 Mukwonago
2017 D1 Girls Discus Jenna Dankert 11 Oak Creek
2017 D1 Girls Shot Put Josie Schaefer 12 Baraboo 1st
2017 D1 Girls Shot Put Erin Dunning 12 Ashwaubenon 2nd
2017 D1 Girls Shot Put Kassie Wicherski 10 Waukesha North 8th
2017 D1 Girls Shot Put Jenna Dankert 11 Oak Creek 7th
2017 D1 Girls Shot Put Julia Hartwig 10 Janesville Parker 4th
2017 D1 Girls Shot Put  Elizabeth Bullock 12 Badger
2017 D1 Girls Shot Put Kelsey Judge 12 Baraboo
2017 D1 Girls Shot Put  Alyssa Milski 11 Oregon
2017 D1 Girls Shot Put Alyssa Rivest 11 Watertown
2017 D1 Girls Shot Put Hannah Braun 12 Baraboo
2017 D1 Girls Shot Put Natalie Mohring 11 D.C. Everest
2017 D1 Boys Discus Hunter Quinn 12 Watertown
2017 D1 Boys Discus Carter Aguilera 11 Monona Grove 9th
2017 D2 Girls Discus Emily Stendel 11 Jefferson 1st
2017 D2 Girls Discus Tess Keyzers 12 Little Chute 3rd
2017 D2 Girls Shot Put Tess Keyzers 12 Little Chute 1st
2017 D2 Girls Shot Put Emily Stendel 11 Jefferson 5th
2017 D2 Girls Shot Put Brooke Kary 11 Kettle Moraine Lutheran 2nd
2017 D2 Girls Shot Put Alex Dynes 12 Columbus
2017 D2 Boys Discus Josh Seltzner 12 Columbus
2017 D2 Boys Discus Bram Miller 12 Kettle Moraine Lutheran
2017 D2 Boys Shot Put Bram Miller 12 Kettle Moraine Lutheran 3rd
2017 D2 Boys Shot Put Josh Seltzner 12 Columbus 1st
2017 D2 Boys Shot Put Daustin Martin 12 Jefferson
2017 D3 Girls Discus Emma Richards 11 Ozaukee
2017 D3 Girls Shot Put Emma Richards 11 Ozaukee
2017 D3 Boys Discus Jacob Wedig 11 Belmont 6th
2017 D3 Boys Discus Evan Blumer 10 Albany 9th
2017 D3 Boys Shot Put Jacob Wedig 11 Belmont 2nd

2016 (38/220)
2016 D1 Girls Discus Josie Schaefer  11 Baraboo 1st
2016 D1 Girls Discus Holly Houston 12 Madison Memorial 3rd
2016 D1 Girls Discus Sam Noennig   12 Hartford 2nd
2016 D1 Girls Discus Erin Dunning   11 Ashwaubenon 4th
2016 D1 Girls Discus Julia Hanson    12 Fort Atkinson 8th
2016 D1 Girls Discus Kris Lindow    12 Ashwaubenon 5th
2016 D1 Girls Discus Kelsey Judge   11 Baraboo 6th
2016 D1 Girls Discus Elizabeth Bullock 11 Badger
2016 D1 Girls Discus Amanda Sabourin 11 Westosha Central
2016 D1 Girls Discus Alyssa Rivest   10 Watertown
2016 D1 Girls Discus Paige Reimann 12 Oconomowoc
2016 D1 Girls Shot Put Sam Noennig 12 Hartford Union
2016 D1 Girls Shot Put Erin Dunning 11 Ashwaubenon 1st
2016 D1 Girls Shot Put Kris Lindow  12 Aswaubenon 3rd
2016 D1 Girls Shot Put Ella Schultz   12 West Allis Central 2nd
2016 D1 Girls Shot Put Josie Schaefer   11 Baraboo 4th
2016 D1 Girls Shot Put Alyssa Rivest    10 Watertown
2016 D1 Girls Shot Put Maddie Meglic 12 Janesville Parker
2016 D1 Girls Shot Put Taylor Louis     12 Stevens Point
2016 D1 Girls Shot Put Elizabeth Bullock 11 Badger
2016 D1 Boys Discus Cullen Quinn    12 Oak Creek
2016 D1 Boys Discus Sean Cormican 12 Baraboo
2016 D1 Boys Discus Cameron Allen-Aylsworth 12 Brookfield East
2016 D1 Boys Discus Hunter Quinn       11 Watertown
2016 D1 Boys Shot Put Cullen Quinn     12 Oak Creek
2016 D2 Girls Discus Emily Stendel       10 Jefferson 8th
2016 D2 Girls Shot Put Brooke Kary      10 Kettle Moraine Lutheran 3rd
2016 D2 Girls Shot Put Emily Stendel    10 Jefferson
2016 D2 Boys Discus Landon Ellingson 12 Jefferson 1st
2016 D2 Boys Discus Landon Zimmerman 12 New Glarus 4th
2016 D2 Boys Discus Jake Wendt     12 East Troy
2016 D2 Boys Discus Dakin Nolan   11 Laconia
2016 D2 Boys Shot Put Landon Ellingson 12 Jefferson 1st
2016 D2 Boys Shot Put Jake Wendt  12 East Troy
2016 D2 Boys Shot Put Landon Zimmerman 12 New Glarus 6th
2016 D2 Boys Shot Put Cole Eastlick     12 River Valley
2016 D3 Girls Discus Emma Richards    10 Ozaukee 1st
2016 D3 Girls Shot Put Emma Richards 10 Ozaukee 2nd

2015 (22/182) QUALIFIERS
2015 D3 Girls Discus Chloe Eckstein, Sr, Reedsville  1st
2015 D3 Boys Discus Tucker Wedig, Sr, Belmont 1st
2015 D3 Boys Shot Put Tucker Wedig, Sr, Belmont 1st
2015 D2 Girls Discus Karen Wethal, Sr, Evansville 4th
2015 D2 Boys Discus Landon Zimmerman, Jr, Belleville/New Glarus 4th
2015 D2 Boys Discus Landon Ellingson, Jr, Jefferson 2nd
2015 D2 Boys Discus Miles Kilpin, Sr, East Troy 5th
2015 D2 Boys Shot Put Landon Ellingson, Jr, Jefferson 6th
2015 D1 Girls Discus Holly Houston, Jr, Madison Memorial 5th
2015 D1 Girls Discus Sam Noennig, Jr, Hartford  1st
2015 D1 Girls Shot Put Kris Lindow, Jr, Ashwaubenon 3rd
2015 D1 Girls Shot Put Sam Noennig, Jr, Hartford 1st
2015 D1 Boys Discus Cullen Quinn, Jr, Oak Creek 8th
2015 D1 Girls Discus Abby Jankowski, Sr, Greendale
2015 D1 Girls Discus Kelsey Judge, So, Baraboo
2015 D1 Girls Shot Put Holly Houston, Jr, Madison Memorial
2015 D1 Girls Shot Put Brittney Lincoln, Jr, Franklin
2015 D1 Girls Shot Put Jordan Tyjeski, Sr, Beaver Dam
2015 D1 Boys Discus Buck Krueger, Jr, Stoughton
2015 D1 Boys Discus PJ Koopmans, Sr, Waunakee
2015 D1 Boys Discus Sean Cormican, Jr, Baraboo
2015 D1 Boys Shot Put Sean Cormican, Jr, Baraboo

2014 (27/162)
2014 D3 Girls Discus Keegan Kamps, Jr, Belmont
2014 D3 Boys Discus Logan Webb, Sr, Albany
2014 D3 Boys Shot Put Tucker Wedig, Jr, Belmont 1st
2014 D2 Girls Discus Brittany Keach, Sr, Lake Mills
2014 D2 Girls Shot Put Brittany Keach, Sr, Lake Mills 7th
2014 D2 Boys Discus Landon Zimmerman, So, Belleville-New Glarus
2014 D2 Boys Discus Landon Ellingson, So, Jefferson 2nd
2014 D2 Boys Shot Put Miles Kilpin, Jr, East Troy
2014 D1 Girls Discus Abby Jankowski, Jr, Greendale
2014 D1 Girls Discus Katie Boehnen,  Sr, Oregon
2014 D1 Girls Discus Holly Houston, So, Madison Memorial
2014 D1 Girls Discus Kristina Kennedy, Sr, Madison LaFollette 6th
2014 D1 Girls Discus Kiley Sabin, Sr, Slinger 2nd
2014 D1 Girls Discus Sam Noennig, So, Hartford 1st
2014 D1 Girls Shot Put Sam Noennig, So, Hartford
2014 D1 Girls Shot Put Kaitlyn Long, Sr, Monona Grove 3rd
2014 D1 Girls Shot Put Kiley Sabin, Sr, Slinger 1st
2014 D1 Boys Shot Put Jake Decorah, Sr, Monona Grove
2014 D1 Boys Discus Jake Decoorah, Sr, Monona Grove
2014 D1 Boys Discus Tanner Rahman, Sr, Middleton
2014 D1 Boys Discus A.J. Musser, Sr, Sauk Prairie
2014 D3 Girls Discus Chloe Eckstein, Jr, Reedsville 6th
2014 D3 Boys Discus Tucker Wedig, Jr, Belmont 1st
2014 D2 Girls Discus Karen Wethal, Jr, Evansville 5th
2014 D2 Boys Discus Miles Kilpin, Jr, East Troy 4th
2014 D1 Girls Discus Jenna Rosenthal, Sr, Fond du Lac 8th
2014 D1 Girls Shot Put Kris Lindow, So, Ashwaubanon 7th

2013 (20/135)
2013 D3 Girls Discus Keegan Kamps SO Belmont 6th
2013 D3 Girls Discus Chloe Eckstein SO Reedsville
2013 D3 Boys Discus Tucker Wedig SO Belmont 5th
2013 D3 Boys Shot Put Tucker Wedig SO Belmont 6th
2013 D2 Boys Discus Landon Ellingson FR Jefferson
2013 D2 Girls Shot Put Brittany Keach JR Lake Mills 6th
2013 D1 Girls Discus Corinne Franz SR Madison Memorial 1st
2013 D1 Girls Discus Kiley Sabin JR Slinger 2nd
2013 D1 Girls Discus Sam Noennig FR Hartford 3rd
2013 D1 Girls Discus Paige Day SR D.C. Everest
2013 D1 Girls Discus Haley Houser SR Stoughton 8th
2013 D1 Girls Discus Abby Jankowski SO Greendale
2013 D1 Girls Shot Put Corinne Franz, SR, Madison Memorial
2013 D1 Girls Shot Put Kiley Sabin, JR, Slinger 1st
2013 D1 Girls Shot Put Haley Houser, SR, Stoughton 6th
2013 D1 Boys Discus AJ Musser JR Sauk Prairie
2013 D1 Boys Discus Riley Budde SR Beaver Dam 4th
2013 D1 Boys Discus A.J. Natter SR Milton
2013 D1 Boys Discus Robert Campos JR Oak Creek
2013 D1 Boys Shot Put Riley Budde, SR, Beaver Dam 3rd

2012 (19/115)
2012 D3 Girls Discus Kailee Kamps 12 Belmont 2nd
2012 D3 Girls Shot Put Kailee Kamps 12 Belmont 2nd
2012 D2 Girls Discus Molly Griep 12 Whitewater
2012 D2 Girls Discus Heather Clankie 12 Brodhead-Juda 2nd
2012 D2 Girls Shot Put Molly Griep 12 Whitewater 1st
2012 D2 Boys Discus Albert Unruh 12 Marshall
2012 D1 Girls Discus KeKe Burks JR Madison LaFollete 6th
2012 D1 Girls Discus Corinne Franz JR Madison Memorial 1st
2012 D1 Girls Discus Paige Day JR D.C. Everest 3rd
2012 D1 Girls Discus Abby Jankowski JR Greendale
2012 D1 Girls Shot Put Paige Day JR D.C. Everest 6th
2012 D1 Boys Discus Theron Baumann SR Monona Grove 2nd
2012 D1 Boys Discus Jason Zahn SR Grafton 1st
2012 D1 Boys Discus Riley Budde JR Beaver Dam
2012 D1 Boys Discus Natter, AJ JR Milton 3rd
2012 D1 Boys Discus Heard, Mike SR Oak Creek
2012 D1 Boys Shot Put Theron Baumann SR Monona Grove 1st
2012 D1 Boys Shot Put Riley Budde JR Beaver Dam 5th
2012 D1 Boys Shot Put Jason Zahn SR Grafton 2nd

2011 (24/96)
2011 D1 Boys Shot Put Rafael Saez SR Oak Creek 3rd
2011 D1 Boys Shot Put Theron Baumann JR Monona Grove 4th
2011 D1 Boys Shot Put Jason Zahn JR Grafton
2011 D1 Boys Shot Put Andrew Brekke SR La Crosse Central
2011 D1 Boys Shot Put Jackson, Drex SR Verona Area
2011 D1 Boys Discus Drex Jackson SR Verona 1st
2011 D1 Boys Discus Jason Zahn JR Grafton 2nd
2011 D1 Boys Discus Rafael Saez SR Oak Creek 3rd
2011 D1 Boys Discus Theron Baumann JR Monona Grove 4th
2011 D1 Boys Discus AJ Natter SO Milton 8th
2011 D1 Boys Discus Andrew Brekke SR La Crosse Central
2011 D1 Girls Discus KeKe Burks JR Madison LaFollette 1st
2011 D1 Girls Discus Paige Day SO D.C. Everest 2nd
2011 D1 Girls Discus Corinne Franz SO Madison Memorial 4th
2011 D1 Girls Shot Put Amanda Thiel JR Oak Creek
2011 D2 Boys Shot Put Nick Walker SR Monroe
2011 D2 Boys Discus Dustin Guy SR Richland Center 5th
2011 D2 Boys Discus Nick Walker SR Monroe
2011 D2 Girls Shot Put Molly Griep JR Whitewater
2011 D2 Girls Discus Heather Clankie JR Brodhead/Juda 1st
2011 D2 Girls Discus Molly Griep JR Whitewater
2011 D3 Girls Shot Put Kailee Kamps JR Belmont 2nd
2011 D1 Girls Discus Kailee Kamps JR Belmont 2nd
2011 D1 Boys Discus Steve Styza SR Lake Country Lutheran

2010 (19/72)

2010 D1 Girls Shot Put Angela Boushea Monona Grove 2nd
2010 D1 Girls Shot Put Emily Franz Madison Memorial
2010 D1 Girls Discus Angela Boushea Monona Grove 2nd
2010 D1 Girls Discus Emily Franz Madison Memorial 6th
2010 D2 Girls Shot Put Molly Griep Whitewater 2nd
2010 D2 Girls Discus Molly Griep Whitewater 5th
2010 D2 Girls Discus Heather Clankie Brodhead
2010 D2 Girls Discus Stephanie Tweed Marshall
2010 D3 Girls Shot Put Kailee Kamps Belmont 4th
2010 D3 Girls Discus Kailee Kamps Belmont 1st
2010 D1 Boys Shot Put Raffi Saez Oak Creek 2nd
2010 D1 Boys Shot Put Justin Barber Homestead 3rd
2010 D1 Boys Shot Put Theron Baumann Monona Grove 4th
2010 D1 Boys Shot Put Drew Jackson Verona
2010 D1 Boys Discus Jacob Ninneman Oregon 1st
2010 D1 Boys Discus Justin Barber Homestead 2nd
2010 D1 Boys Discus Raffi Saez Oak Creek 8th
2010 D1 Boys Discus Theron Baumann Monona Grove
2010 D1 Boys Discus Drex Jackson Verona

2009 (11/53)
2009 D1 Girls Shot Angela Boushea Monona Grove 1st
2009 D1 Girls Discus Angela Boushea Monona Grove 4th
2009 D1 Girls Shot Tamara Wade Madison LaFollette 7th
2009 D1 Girls Discus Tamara Wade Madison LaFollette
2009 D1 Girls Discus Amanda Spencer Verona
2009 D3 Girls Shot Kassi Kamps Belmont 4th
2009 D3 Girls Discus Kassi Kamps Belmont
2009 D1 Boys Shot Danny Aguayo Madison East

2009 D1 Boys Discus Eric Parton Middleton 2nd
2009 D1 Boys Discus Demonte Reed Monona Grove
2009 D1 Boys Discus Jacob Ninneman Oregon 8th

2008 (10/41)
2008 D1 Boys Shot Devin Mahaffey Madison Memorial 6th
2008 D1 Boys Discus Nick Grosso Monona Grove 
2008 D1 Boys Discus Jake Wellbank Wilmot

2008 D1 Girls Shot Angela Boushea Monona Grove 4th

2008 D1 Girls Discus Angela Boushea Monona Grove 3rd

2008 D1 Girls Discus Amanda Spencer Verona 7th

2008 D1 Girls Discus Lisa Brown Madison Memorial 8th

2008 D2 Girls Discus Steph Tweed Marshall
2008 D3 Girls Shot Kassi Kamps Belmont 
2008 D3 Girls Discus Kassi Kamps Belmont 7th

2007 (5/31)
2007 D1 Boys Discus Jay Hancock Madison Memorial 3rd
2007 D1 Boys Discus Nick Grosso Monona Grove
2007 D1 Girls Shot Angela Boushea Monona Grove 4th
2007 D2 Girls Shot Sara Landsee Mt. Horeb
2007 D3 Girls Discus Kassi Kamps Belmont

2006 (9/25)
2006 D1 Girls Shot Becca Kitzman Verona 8th
2006 D1 Girls Shot Amy Ableidinger LaFollette
2006 D1 Girls Shot Lauren Brown LaFollette
2006 D1 Girls Discus Becca Kitzman Verona 4th
2006 D1 Girls Discus Lisa Brown Madison Memorial
2006 D1 Girls Discus Lauren Brown LaFollette
2006 D1 Girls Discus Amy Ableidinger LaFollette
2006 D2 Girls Shot Dana Thompson Belleville 
2006 D2 Girls Discus Dana Thompson Belleville 1st 

2005 (6/16)
2005 D1 Boys Discus Jay Hancock Madison Memorial
2005 D1 Girls Shot Lauren Brown Madison LaFollette
2005 D1 Girls Shot Amy Ableidinger Madison LaFollette
2005 D1 Girls Discus Sara Landsee Middleton
2005 D1 Girls Discus Becca Kitzman Verona 5th
2005 D2 Girls Shot Dana Thompson Belleville 1st

2004 (7/10)
2004 D1 Boys Shot Larry Ehrhorn Madison Memorial 2nd 
2004 D1 Boys Discus Larry Ehrhorn Madison Memorial
2004 D1 Girls Shot Kelly Martinson Madison Memorial
2004 D1 Girls Shot Lindsey Tauber Madison Memorial
2004 D1 Girls Discus Sara Landsee Middleton
2004 D2 Girls Shot Dana Thompson Belleville 
2004 D2 Girls Discus Dana Thompson Belleville 4th

2003 (2/3)
2003 D1 Girls Shot Jenna Mahaffey Madison Memorial 1st
2003 D1 Girls Discus Jenna Mahaffey Madison Memorial 6th

2002 (1)
2002 D1 Girls Shot Jenna Mahaffey Madison Memorial 8th