Although the throwing season is already under way I have decided to list my criteria in the selection of a discus. The implements are made out of different materials with varying rim weights. Over the years I have thrown many discus, have discussed in detail the pros and cons of particular brands with high school, college and professional athletes, and have queried a number of coaches as to their likes and dislikes. All parties agree that the implement selected must match the throwing capability of the athlete. Listed below are some of the questions that should be posed:
(1) How far are you throwing? If you are a beginner it makes no sense to purchase a discus with a high rim weight as you will not be able to spin it.
(2) If your discus flutters, stick with the cheaper implement. A cardinal rule is that the better the thrower the more weight on the edge. The faster you can spin it the further it goes.
(3) Does the implement feel comfortable in your hand? Can you grip it without slipping? How does it feel when it is released?
(4) Cost. If a coach is working with 20 throwers it does not make fiscal sense to purchase one $500 discus and 10 cheap rubber ones. Buy a half dozen medium range implements so that everyone can get in a lot of repetitions. Unless you have an extraordinary athlete odds are your big purchase is not going to win you additional distance.
2011 Discus Review
With this in mind, let's go shopping for some discus!
* Luke Sullivan is the WIAA Wisconsin Track and Field Discus Record Holder. He was a 4 time All-American at UCLA. He competed in 2 U.S. Olympic Trials. And he has been a good friend to MADISON THROWS CLUB since its inception.
Thanks LUKE! For your great article.
Although the throwing season is already under way I have decided to list my criteria in the selection of a discus. The implements are made out of different materials with varying rim weights. Over the years I have thrown many discus, have discussed in detail the pros and cons of particular brands with high school, college and professional athletes, and have queried a number of coaches as to their likes and dislikes. All parties agree that the implement selected must match the throwing capability of the athlete. Listed below are some of the questions that should be posed:
(1) How far are you throwing? If you are a beginner it makes no sense to purchase a discus with a high rim weight as you will not be able to spin it.
(2) If your discus flutters, stick with the cheaper implement. A cardinal rule is that the better the thrower the more weight on the edge. The faster you can spin it the further it goes.
(3) Does the implement feel comfortable in your hand? Can you grip it without slipping? How does it feel when it is released?
(4) Cost. If a coach is working with 20 throwers it does not make fiscal sense to purchase one $500 discus and 10 cheap rubber ones. Buy a half dozen medium range implements so that everyone can get in a lot of repetitions. Unless you have an extraordinary athlete odds are your big purchase is not going to win you additional distance.
2011 Discus Review
With this in mind, let's go shopping for some discus!
* Luke Sullivan is the WIAA Wisconsin Track and Field Discus Record Holder. He was a 4 time All-American at UCLA. He competed in 2 U.S. Olympic Trials. And he has been a good friend to MADISON THROWS CLUB since its inception.
Thanks LUKE! For your great article.